Comments on: Lemony Tarragon Peas Quick and Easy Recipes Sun, 19 Mar 2023 17:31:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: Francine Sun, 19 Mar 2023 17:31:34 +0000 In reply to Harry.

Wonderful, Harry! Glad to have good timing!

By: Harry Sun, 19 Mar 2023 15:04:16 +0000 Your timing is always impeccable Fran. I have some peas in the freezer that I was even thinking of throwing out. That’s where the timing, of this peas recipe comes in. I bought some frozen shrimp last week and I was thinking of making something to accompany them. I even have an older Shrimp recipe of yours that I was going to track down today, from your archives to cook the shrimp with as well. I love the tangy taste of lemon. I can’t wait to put all the flavors together. Thanks. Cheers
